Family Time | Time
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As my kids get older, I realize these small things I noticed when they were just babies have turned into dominant personality traits. Henry's fascination with how things work. Danny's silly faces and movements intended for a laugh. These quirks define them and set them apart...

It's almost imperceptible, the easier-ness. It starts as a feeling like you were supposed to be somewhere or do something, but forgot. You've been so used to the chaos, the tornado of people needing you one hundred percent of the time, that if there is one...

Note — Sometimes I just write about poop way too much. Sorry. -- My friend Meredith said, "that's called a hippie fight,” when I told her that Cory and I couldn’t agree on what to do with the first Saturday morning we’ve had free in who knows...

Like holding a bite of chocolate in your mouth and letting it melt and savoring it, but what if you could never have chocolate again, what if it was the last bite, how long would you hold that bit? That's how I felt holding Ellie just...