Family Time | slowing down
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slowing down Tag

Tonight, rocking Henry after he had fallen asleep, the vague realization of the smell of Henry's sunblock sent me reeling. Before I knew it I was crying and holding him so tight. Today was a typical Very Busy Day in that there were a lot of...

Parenting feels like a train I just can't catch. The familiar scene where the hero races up on his horse and stre-e-e-etches out for the railing on the caboose to grab hold and triumphantly board the train. It's going so fast, cacti whooshing by in...

Last night Cory and I saw the baby move for the first time. Earlier in the day, Grandma Avon felt him kick for the first time. Seeing him move was crazy. Like in the cartoons where somebody's banging on the door and the whole door...