Family Time | grandparents
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grandparents Tag

Yesterday we had Henry's Gram and Grampa over for dinner, along with Uncle Andrew and Aunt Mindy and Great-Aunt Sandy. Gram and Grampa are heading to Florida for two months. I kept so busy with dinner and visiting that the bitterness of the occasion didn't...

Today was one for the history books. I asked my grandfather Poppy if he would take me to the Homestead, the house that his great-grandfather Nathan Austin built in Upstate New York, where Poppy used to spend his summers as a boy. He'd take the train...

Last night Cory and I saw the baby move for the first time. Earlier in the day, Grandma Avon felt him kick for the first time. Seeing him move was crazy. Like in the cartoons where somebody's banging on the door and the whole door...

Grandparents are an important part of Baby Austin-Avon's life. They are caring, generous, silly people. After many shots of them making weird faces, we landed this nice one. Of course it's blurry, though. This was taken at Coffee Planet in Glens Falls after yesterday's ultrasound...