Family Time | 32-week ultrasound
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32-week ultrasound

32-week ultrasound

Oh! And here are pictures from our 32-week ultrasound earlier this week. Baby A-A is breech right now so I’ve been standing on my head and Auntie Erika took me for acupuncture and moxibustion… Of course, Baby A-A is a big rascal and will do whatever he wants to prove that I’m not in control of him, though. I hope he flips and doesn’t stay this way out of spite. So far he hasn’t done anything I want him to do. He’ll stop kicking as soon as I try to show somebody he’s kicking, and he wouldn’t be conceived when we had stopped drinking – he decided to wait until I gave up and had some wine. And in these pictures he doesn’t look anything like the other ones! Who knows.


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